Sunday, September 18, 2011


Now when I say humbled...yes that refers to me. Because today I have been humbled beyond belief. I spent the day at Health Day in Atlanta with Lazarus Ministries. I have to say how proud I am of all of St. Matthews Youth for the time they gave today. To explain...for those that do not know...this day is about serving the homeless in Atlanta. They are given clothes, some of their basic hygiene needs are met. They get sack lunches, haircuts, manicures and pedicures.
I got the pleasure of giving them pedicures. Now you are probably thinking right she being she serious. What could be pleasurable about this? Just when I thought I could not be more blessed...God showed me I was wrong. I was slightly intimidated by this task even though I had volunteered myself for it.  God was fashioned in the people I interacted with today. Their laughter, their gratefulness, their smile, and most importantly their hearts. They are just like you and me.
As I sat and washed and scrubbed their feet I thought of all of the times I have complained. Complained that my feet hurt or I just want a pedicure. Or how much I hate giving myself a pedicure. I had a lady say to me today.."I am so sorry. I know it is bad. I just don't have the tools to clean my feet and nails like I would like to. Sometimes they hurt and the nails get really long and my feet bleed." It clicked at that moment...why do I complain..I have all the tools I need to clean my OWN feet.
Obviously, I was blessed way beyond knowing that I can clean my own feet and give myself a pedicure. Sometimes I know I take the little things for granted. The things we would never think of. Like the several pairs of toenail and fingernail clippers I own..or the nail files I have stashed away in my purse and desk drawer and car and bathroom. Something so meaningless holds great value to someone who has nothing.
The people I helped serve blessed my soul today. They were amazing and I saw Christ shine through their thankfulness. The face of the poor looks just like you and me. But their feet tell a diffrent story. A story of walking non stop for the last two months. Wearing heels because those are the only shoes they own (women you know this doesn't feel good). Some were blistered and sore.
I am not greater than them...they are greater than me.
John 13:14-17 Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.

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